(Note: This is a follow-up to (THE HOMECOMING ) so if you havent read that yet, you might want to.)
Hutch wandered into the restaurant looking around for signs of Huggy Bear. He spotted him leaning at the bar
drinking a beer and passing the time chatting to the young barmaid. He approached in time to hear Huggy sadly muttering something
about ten years ago even and Ida had you eating out of my hand.
"Losing your touch Hug!". Hutch slapped his friend on the back and sat down on the barstool next to him. "Can
I get you something?"
"Hey man, you trying to completely destroy my reputation or something. Drinking with the Captain of Police in
the hours of daylight would totally ruin my street cred my friend". Huggy grinned and raised his empty glass to the barmaid.
"Two cold beers if you please young lady."
"Waiting for their drinks to be poured Huggy turned to give Hutch his full attention. "Well my friend, and whats
so important that I had to dress up in this fancy gear and meet you here. Whats wrong with The Pits all of a sudden?"
"Nothing wrong with it Huggy but I cant take my guests to it, there a little young for that". So saying Hutch
rose and indicated a pair of children sitting at a table across the room. "Care to join us for lunch?"
Huggy rose, and giving Hutch a curious look as he picked up his drink, he followed him across the room. Before
they reached the table Hutch turned and took Huggys glass from his hand. "Dont want you to spill this my friend itll play
havoc with the material in that suit." Huggy had no time to react as Hutch swiftly moved off again.
Stopping in front of the table Huggy looked down at the children in front of him. The two children sat side
by side silently contemplating the floor. The young girl looked up and giggled to herself. "Yep! Youre Huggy Bear. No-one
else could dress like that and get away with it!"
"Cheeky madam! You need to learn some manners young lady" Huggy had instantly bristled and raised his hand as
if to smack the girl around the cheek. Instantly the young boy rose and faced Huggy, his eyes flashed their anger as he spoke,
"I wouldnt do that if I were you, I might not like it!"
Huggys hand dropped as instantly as it had risen. A shiver of deja vu ran down his spine as the boys eyes held
him transfixed. The years flew away and suddenly Huggy was twenty years younger and standing in his bar. An over-sized drunk
was trying to persuade one of his girls to go on a date but the girl had other ideas. Things were beginning to get nasty and
he was on his way round to tell the guy to leave when another customer rose from his seat and came over, pushing his way between
the two. Leaning over the bar the newcomer asked for a drink. The drunk grabbed the man by the shoulder and roughly spun him
"Youre in my way pal. Move it"
The newcomer had stayed exactly where he was, grinning at the guy in front of him who stood a good foot taller
than he was.
"You need to learn some manners buddy" and the drunk lifted his clenched fist to strike. The younger man moved
so fast that Huggy hardly saw him. Grabbing the drunk by his ear the stranger had glared into his face and the violet blue
eyes had flashed as angrily as the ones Huggy was now looking at. "I wouldnt do that if I were you, I might not like it!"
even the words were the same.
Huggy sank slowly into a chair still looking at the young boy in front of him. Hutch sat down next to him and
returning his drink to him said, "Here, you look like you could do with this".
Huggy wasted no time in downing the beer and his hands shook as he replaced the glass on the table.
Glancing at Hutch he could see his old friend smiling at him, obviously enjoying his discomfort. Huggy looked
from the boy to the girl and then back again. The girl was smiling, her head slightly to the side, her big brown eyes, looking
remarkably like a puppy, stared back at him. The boy still glared, his arm defensively around the girl, looking ready to defend
her again should the need arise. Huggy took in the dark, curly hair and the flashing violet blue eyes and it was then that
the realisation hit.
"Oh my God! Starsky! Hutch it cant becan it? It has to be though. No one else has those eyes except"
"Except me maybe" Huggy spun around, and for a moment his whole world kept spinning. Hutch made a grab for one
arm and the owner of the voice caught the other. Together they slowly lowered Huggy back into the chair from which he had
"Hi Huggy, good to see you too. I hope you werent really going to hit my daughter.. were you? Her Mother and
I really wouldnt like it. and neither would her brother." Starsky was struggling to maintain a straight face as he looked
at his old friend.
Huggy sat, for once lost for words, as his eyes flicked from one to the other. His brain didnt trust what his
eyes were telling him. There in front of him stood Starsky. Alongside of him stood Hutch, and both were looking at him with
the kind of a face he had often seen them use on their informers and petty criminals. The faces were a lot older of course,
both carried lines around the eyes and Hutch was carrying a little more weight than he had back then but it was definitely
them. the Me and Thee team.
"Do you believe this guy Hutch? Threatens to hit my kid then refuses to say anything in his own defence, somebody
should call a cop or something" Starsky was looking at his former partner with a gleam in his eye that Huggy was unable to
see. "Hey Kelly, what do you reckon, we call a cop and get this jerk locked up or what?"
"Can we do that Hutch? Get him locked up I mean. For the sake of any other defenceless kids in this city".
Kelly Starsky was playing her part with conviction.
She and Starsky had been watching the scenario unfold from the opposite side of the room and when Huggy had
raised his hand it was all she could do to stay where she was and not rush to her childrens side. She had felt her husband
tense a little too and quietly wondered what would have happened to old friendships if their son hadnt played his part so
well. When Kenneth Starsky had risen to face the man in front of him she had actually felt sorry for the guy. He really was
his Fathers son and no mistake. Now, watching her husband and Hutch as they worked together, she began to understand just
a little of how this partnership had once worked and she could finally accept her husbands desperate need to put things right
between them.
She had always thought of Starsky as a fair and kind man who loved his family dearly and would do whatever was
necessary to look after them. She had watched and stood by him as he fought to make his life, to forge a new career and to
rebuild his shattered body. It had been a long hard struggle but he had never given up, working at it with such tenacity that
it had earned him the respect of his colleagues and doctors and the love of her immediate family and a small circle of friends.
Always though there had seemed a piece out of place, a missing link that made her husband whole. Now, suddenly, the piece
was there, and it had been there ever since the two men in front of her and left the office at the Metro precinct the previous
evening. It had been a difficult journey but they had made it together.
The tableau was finally broken when snorts of laughter broke from the two children sitting watching the scene
as it played out.
"Dad, stop it, Huggy looks like he thinks youre serious and I want to try one of his famous specials you are
always on about. Cant do that if you get him locked up can I?" Rachael Starsky was looking at Huggy Bear with pity. She had
been on the end of her Fathers wicked sense of humour before but somehow, since Ken Huthinson had appeared on the scene, he
had become better at it. Hutch was pretty good too. No wonder these two had been such good cops.
"Yeh Dad, you promised us a Huggy Special and a trip around town, in that order." Young Kenneth Starsky was
eager to learn more about the place where his Father had spent so many years.
He had eavesdropped occasionally in the early days, times when his Dad had come in from the school so tired
he could hardly stand. The noises in the night from the room next to his had told him of the nightmare his Dad was having.
It was only at these times when Starsky talked of his life as a cop, of his partner, of the many times they had cheated death
at the hands of some maniac. He had heard about Vic Bellamy and his poison and how Hutch hadnt given up looking for the antidote
even when everyone else said it was too late. He knew too about Terry and how she had been killed. He had heard the fear in
his Fathers voice when he had finally let go of the tortured memories of Gunther and his goons. And he had heard him cry for
the loss of his friendship with Hutch. That, he knew, was what hurt his Father the most of all and he was glad that somehow
they had managed to put everything behind them and start again. Watching the two of them together he knew that this was a
special friendship and he hoped with all of his young heart that he would find such a friend one day.
Starsky looked at his children and smiled a loving smile that spoke volumes of what his family meant to him.
Huggy Bear was suddenly very glad indeed that he hadnt carried out his threat, somehow he didnt think that he would have survived
the wrath of either Starsky parent.
"Hey Huggy, good to see ya, been a long time buddy, a long time." Starsky placed a hand on Huggys shoulder as
he spoke and gently squeezed. Huggy could see the shining of unshed tears blinked back behind long eyelashes and knew he was
having a similar problem. They stood for a second or two just taking each other in, the changes that the years had brought
to each. The spell was finally broken by Kelly Starsky. Moving to stand beside Hutch she said, "I dont know about you guys
but Hutch and I came here to eat. The kids and I havent eaten since breakfast and were starving so what say we eat and you
guys can catch up on all the news over dinner?"
Sitting at the table Huggy looked in disbelief as Starsky ordered steak and salad, even Hutch looked mildly
surprised. "I dont believe what Im seeing here man, Starsky ordering proper food, no garnishes, chili peppers or the like?"
Huggy was unable to hold back on his curiosity.
For a brief second Starsky froze and his fist clenched as he controlled the hand that was shaking slightly.
Kelly and Hutch exchanged worried glances and Kelly quietly covered the trembling fist with a gentle hand.
"Dave watches what he eats these days Huggy, thats why he still has a waist I can get my arms around." She looked
long and hard at the black man in front of her defying him to delve deeper.
"Its ok Kel, Im fine." Taking a deep breath Starsky lifted his head and looked from Hutch to Huggy. "I have
to watch what I eat these days Hug, since Gunthers boys rearranged my insides they can get a little temperamental at times
if Im not careful. Still it does have its advantages." So saying he reached across and pinched the small roll of flesh which
hung over Huggys trousers.
The atmosphere, which had become tense for a while, now lightened and the little group spent the rest of their
meal exchanging banter. Huggy picked up on small things which had occurred to his friend over the years from the conversation,
but it was the way Starsky acted which was most telling. He would catch the occasional glance that Starsky threw towards Hutch,
sensing rather than seeing the fear that seemed to be there. He noted also that Kelly sat like a snake ready to strike, always
close to her husband, never further away than her arm could reach. It was clear that coming back had been a difficult decision
for Starsky.
Unable to contain his curiosity any longer he finally turned to look directly at Starsky.
"So stranger what finally brought you here, like you said, its been a long time?"
Starsky briefly glanced at Kelly and Hutch followed the eyes just in time to see the almost imperceptible nod
that was the answer.
"I promised the kids Id take them shopping when wed eaten. If we leave now we can be finished in time to meet
you and Hutch for coffee about three. Well get a cab and meet you at the precinct." Kelly leant forward to kiss her husband,
"Take care" and so saying she and the children left the three friends together.
Starsky took a deep breath. "I came back because of a letter from Millie."
"Well there I was thinking you had come to see me! I dont get it Starsk, what could Millie have possibly said
to make you travel the distance you did?" Hutch was incredulous.
Starsky could almost feel the hurt in Hutch. He knew he had to be careful how he worded what he wanted to say
or their friendship could be set right back to yesterday.
"Ive wanted to come for so long Hutch that it hurt. I used to lie awake wondering how I could make things right
between us but never quite being brave enough to try. That was until Millies last letter. It wasnt her letter exactly, shed
just added a note to the top so Id read it." Taking a deep breath he added, "The letter was from Captain Dobeys wife Hutch".
"Mrs Dobey. I dont get it. Why would she write to you?"
"You mean you really dont know?" Starsky seemed unsure now of how to continue.
"No, I dont know! What the hells going on that you think I should know Starsk?" Hutch was having trouble keeping
his voice down. "The last I heard Dobey and his wife were happily retired and living in their cottage up by the lake. I havent
seen him for about six months."
"Hes dying Hutch. Cancer. According to his wife hes got maybe a coupla weeks left!" Starsky almost whispered
the last few words. "It seems Dobey has always blamed himself that I left, thinks he could have done more to help. Now hes
dying and he wants to see the two of us before its too late."
Starsky looked his former partner in the eye. "He wants to see us Hutch, together. I couldnt deny him that,
not after the years we spent together. He was like a Father to us Hutch, how could I? Finally I had a reason other than my
own state of mind to make an effort. To put things right, get the world back on an even keel again before it was too late.
My only regret is that it took me so long, and something so damn unfair to do it."
For a long while no one spoke. The look of distress on Hutchs face told Starsky that this was the first he knew
about his former Captains illness. He wished he could have made the telling easier but he had always told things as they were,
disliking what he called soapy scenes. Even so he wished it had been someone other than himself who had told Hutch this particular
information. Dobey had been like a Father to them by the time of that fateful shooting. He had never fully understood the
depth of their friendship or how it worked, almost telepathically. He had known though that when one partner hurt so did the
other, if one was in trouble the other would move heaven and earth to help, and if one was injured then Lord help the criminal
that suffered the wrath of the other partner. Starsky had found out from Millie, almost a year to the day he had disappeared,
that Dobey secretly considered them as His Boys. When he had read the letter from Mrs Dobey Starsky knew he couldnt turn his
back on it.
"He wants to see us Hutch, you and me, one last time before its too late." Starsky looked hard at his friend
and for a while it was as though Huggy wasnt there. "Im going the day after tomorrow, I kinda hoped youd arrange for someone
to cover for you and come with me. We owe Dobey a lot Hutch. I aint about to let him down."
The three friends sat for a moment, each deep in their own thoughts. Then Hutch rose and, reaching in to his
pocket, pulled out some notes and dropped them on the table. Glancing at his partner he softly spoke, "That should just about
cover the bill Starsk, what say we get out of here and get back to the station. Ive got a lot of paperwork to get through
if were gonna get away on time." So saying Hutch strode from the restaurant.
Thirty-six hours later Starsky and Hutch found themselves on the freeway heading for the Dobeys cottage. Little
was said as they were both lost in their own thoughts. Hutch was driving and Starsky stared out of the passenger window. It
had taken some organising but Hutch had arranged for emergency cover at the station and, after they heard his reasons for
wanting it, his superiors had agreed to three weeks compassionate leave. Hutch had quietly been grateful that Dobey was remembered
with respect and affection amongst many of his more senior officers. He doubted otherwise that they would have been so forthcoming.
Rolling his stiffening shoulders he glanced across to see Starsky watching him.
"Well?" he shot out as he returned his eyes to the road ahead. It unnerved him a little to see his former partner
sitting in the car next to him and memories threatened to engulf him of times long ago when they had spent three quarters
of their days like this. The only difference was it would usually be Starsky driving the Torino. His old rust bucket of a
car had been good for travelling to and from but in the speed of a pursuit the Torino was far superior both in speed and reliability.
With Starsky at the wheel it was often an unbeatable combination, as many a crook had discovered on trying unsuccessfully
to out run them. After Gunther though the Torino had been consigned to the garage where it had remained for a long while before
being sold. Hutch remembered the way Starsky had broken into a cold sweat the only time he saw it after leaving hospital and
he had personally taken charge of having Merle collect it and sell it. He had put the money into Starskys account and the
Torino was never mentioned again. Hutch knew though that medical bills had gradually eaten up the money.
"For goodness sake Starsk! Will you stop staring at me? Im trying to concentrate here. You got something to
say then spit it out. Otherwise look out the window or something will you."
Starsk visibly shook himself at this. "Sorry Hutch, didnt realise I was staring. I was miles away I guess."
Starsky spoke apologetically and Hutch realised that Starsky had been having his memories too. "How much further we got to
go anyway? Ive kinda lost track weve been going so long."
Hutch glanced at his watch; "Weve got about another hours driving still. Want to stop for coffee or something?"
Starsky hated to admit it but he was feeling the strain of the journey, both physically and emotionally. He
hadnt allowed for the feelings of anger and regret that were washing over him as he watched Hutch drive. Hed thought he was
over all that, but sitting next to Hutch he realised that they had only been buried in the deepest regions of his memories.
Physically too he needed to get out and stretch his cramped body so he agreed to the coffee. Hutch pulled into a small diner
and both men got out.
Walking to the booth at the back they ordered coffee and sat down. Starsky looked out of the window to where
Hutchs car stood. "Glad to see you finally got yourself a car that goes Blintz. That old rust bucket of yours finally fall
to bits completely?"
Hutch smirked. "Yeh, I finally traded it in for a dustbin, just like you said I would." At this remark Starsky
laughed as Hutch continued, "I had to get something a little more respectable, not to mention reliable. Dobey said Id never
convince the board about a promotion if I kept the old one so I saved up a little, borrowed some money from my Mother and
brought that."
"You borrowed from your Mother!" Starsky was incredulous. "How is the old dragon these days anyway, she never
did like me did she?"
"Thats not strictly true Starsk. She just thought you were a bad influence thats all, and she was right too,
you were." Hutch was laughing as well now. "For your information, the Old Dragon as you so charmingly put it, is fine. A little
older and a little wiser Im glad to say but fine. Weve gotten a lot closer since Dad died. What about your Ma, she still worrying
about you?"
Starskys smiled slipped a little and he broke eye contact. "She died Hutch, about six years ago. She just wore
herself out, went to sleep in her chair one night and never woke up. I really miss her you know. She used to drive me crazy
with her constant worrying but Id give anything to hear her voice one more time. She got to hold her grandchildren for a little
while though before she died. I thank God that they knew her Hutch. She was so proud when Kenny was born. She understood why
I insisted on him being Kenneth Michael and not the other way around. Kelly had to back down once Ma started. Then, when Rachael
was born and we named her after her youd have thought shed won a fortune. She cried all through the baptism. Come to think
of it, she cried all through my wedding too. I thought she was just doing her usual Mother routine, you know, but just before
Kelly and I left she cornered me on my own. She told me she loved me and was proud of me. That meant so much.. She also said
she wished you had been there Hutch So do I I never had a best man Hutch; somehow it didnt seem right. If it couldnt be you
then." Starskys voice trailed off and he looked back at his friend.
Hutch suddenly felt very humble as he looked into the violet blue eyes that were shining with unshed tears in
front of him. "Im sorry Starsk, about your Mother, she really was a special lady. Ill always remember that it was her who
gave me the most precious gift anyone could."
Starsky looked questioningly at Hutch at this statement. "I dont follow Hutch. What could my Mother have ever
given you that was so special?"
Hutch smiled shyly as he answered, "You Starsk. Your friendship, your love, your crazy childish sense of humour,
your incredible sense of right and wrong, your whole being Starsk! Since I first got to know you theres never been a selfish
bone in your body. You kept me safe more times than I can remember. Thats why it was so difficult after you left. Suddenly
it was like half of me was missing and I didnt know what to do, how to go on. It was Dobey that pulled me round Starsk, with
a little help from Huggy. He took me into his family, made me feel a part of it. Edith became like a second Mother for a while.
Id have never have made it if it wasnt for them. I owe them an awful lot."
Reaching across the table that separated them Starsky took Hutchs hand in his and squeezed it tightly. No words
were necessary between them, each feeling the love and support flowing between them.
"What say we get going again as soon as Ive phoned Kelly. Mrs Dobeys expecting us for tea and it wouldnt be
right to disappoint a lady now would it?" Starsky released the hand and left his seat. Hutch watched as he walked to the phone
booth and he smiled to himself. The Starsky walk was still there. Despite all this man had gone through he was still able
to present a cocky, devil may care attitude in the way he moved. Hutch was still smiling some five minutes later when Starsky
"Okay, buddy, whats so funny?" Starsky quickly checked to make sure he wasnt letting anything show that shouldnt.
Hutch laughed out loud at this then very quietly he answered, "Nothing partner. Its just great to have you back
is all. Ive really missed you." So saying he rose and walked out of the diner with a slightly bemused Starsky following.
Somewhere along the final leg of the journey Starsky fell asleep and it only served to remind Hutch how his
friend had the uncanny knack of being able to sleep anywhere. It had served him well on many a long stake out much to the
annoyance of the blond who had trouble due to his long legs. For a moment he toyed with waking the slumbering man beside him.
He changed his mind when he thought back to the hours of travelling Starsky had been doing, sooner or later it had to catch
up with him so he may as well let him sleep while he could. Hutch quietly thought to himself that they had both travelled
a long journey the last couple of days. He was eternally grateful that they had travelled it together. At the back of his
mind a thought arose, unbidden and unwelcome, soon Starsky would have to go home and he would be left to travel on without
him again.
Hutch turned the car into the parking space outside of the Dobeys cottage and switched off the engine. For a
moment he chose to just sit and look at his partner as he slept, unwilling to disturb the others rest. Suddenly the door to
the cottage opened and a beam of light fell on to the car lighting up the interior. Starsky groaned and turning his head promptly
hit it on the side window. This made him groan even louder and slowly blink his eyes open. Hutch had a momentary picture of
a lost boy as Starsky blinked the sleep from his eyes.
"Hi sleepy head, welcome back." So saying he opened his door and slammed it shut on purpose.
Ever so slowly Starsky unfolded his body and alighted from the car still rubbing his head. "Sorry Hutch, guess
things caught up with me a little. I did try to stay awake." He glanced sheepishly at his friend to see him grinning back
and he slowly walked around the car to stand next to him. Together they turned to face the front door and the person standing
"Starky and Hutch, as I live and breathe. Where did you guys spring from? Both of you at that. I thought youd
vanished off the face of the earth Starsky. Man is it good to see you guys!" Rosie Dobey stood with her arms folded surveying
the tired vision in front of her. Turning her head slightly she called into the cottage, "Hey Ma! Come take a look at what
the cat dragged in."
"Nice to see you too Rosie". Hutch laughed and walked up the steps, slowly followed by Starsky. Reaching the
young girls side he lowered his voice as he asked, "Hows things?"
Rosie turned and looked at him, matching her voice to his level. "Not good Hutch, not good. Mums being really
strong but Dad gets weaker every day. Im glad you both made it in time. The doctors think itll be a matter of days now." So
saying she moved aside and led the two men inside. Hutch followed her into the room but Starsky hung back, stopping just inside
the door. He was suddenly unsure of himself, somehow he felt that he had no right to be here, and he had to force himself
not to turn and run back to the car.
The years flashed away as he looked at Rosie. This young woman standing before him bore little resemblance to
the little girl he remembered, the one he had played ball with and occasionally baby-sat for. This was a beautiful, grown
up, confident woman whom he didnt know. He didnt know what to say to her and it scared him. He suddenly found himself wishing
that his wife were beside him.
From across the room a door opened and an elderly woman walked through closing it softly behind her. Stopping
by her daughters side she spoke to Hutch. "Thank you for coming Ken. Youve no idea what this means to me." Edith Dobey reached
out her arms and took Hutch into them. For a moment they remained that way until Hutch turned slightly and Edith was able
to see over his shoulder. "David, is that you?"
Releasing Hutch she almost ran across the room, stopping directly in front of him. "Millie said you were back,
but I wasnt sure youd come. Oh David its so good to see you, weve missed you so much."
Starsky could see the tears in the older womans eyes and knew they reflected his own. "I missed you too, Im
sorry I almost left it too late!"
"Shh, never mind all that. Youre here know and thats all that matters. Harolds asleep right know so how about
I make us some coffee and sandwiches and you can bring me up to date with all your news. I want to hear all about your family."
So saying she gently led Starsky through into the small parlour and Hutch followed with Rosie. She gestured to one of the
stools at the breakfast bar and Starsky sat down watching as she went from cupboard to cupboard taking food, plates and mugs
from them. In no time at all, or so it seemed to the hungry men, there were plates of sandwiches and cakes and a fresh pot
of coffee in front of them. Picking up a tray she nodded to them to do the same and she led the way to the comfortable sofa
behind them. Sitting down she looked at Starsky and Hutch standing side by side and she smiled. "You have no idea how good
it is to see you two boys together again. Harold will be so pleased. Now Dave, come and sit next to me and let me see some
photographs." She patted the space next to her and Starsky moved to sit. Hutch perched precariously on the arm allowing, Rosie
the other chair. Starsky took the photos he always carried from his wallet and laid them on the table for the women to look
They were the usual pictures any proud Husband and Father would carry of his wife and children but Hutch noticed
another, slightly faded one, at the bottom and reached to pick it up just before Starsky. He was surprised to see that it
was one of himself and his partner and looking at it he realised that it was the one missing from Starskys apartment all those
years ago. Looking at his friend he suddenly realised that Starsky hadnt left him behind on that day. He had taken him with
him in the only way he could and he had kept him close to his heart all of these years. Oh God Starsk and all these years
I thought you didnt care, that Id somehow driven you away. If only Id known I would never have stopped looking for you, Somehow
Id have found you. Quietly he handed the picture back to his friend. Again he found himself cursing Gunther for the damage
he had done and for the pain he had caused his friend. Starsky took the picture and, casting a swift glance at Hutch, he returned
it to this wallet.
The four old friends spent some time just talking and eating and talking some more until finally Starsky felt
confident enough to broach the subject he and Hutch really wanted to hear about. Taking a deep breath he turned to Edith and
"Is it true, about Capn Dobey I mean. Is he really as bad as Millie said?"
Edith Dobeys eyes clouded a little and she reached across and took Starskys hand in her own. "Im sorry David
it is true. He has advanced lung cancer and the doctors say its only a matter of time now. Hes not in any pain, they keep
him drugged up to make sure, but it makes him sleep so much. Every now and then he wont take them but he always ends up suffering
for it so I try to convince him its better that he does. The nurse comes in three times a day to help me bathe him and everything
and of course Rosie and Cal are wonderful. I dont know what Id do without them." She stopped speaking and looked at her daughter.
"Cal will be here in the morning you can say hello to him then."
"Dad so wants to see you guys again. It will be a lovely surprise when he wakes up," Rosie took over for her
Mother. "I think I should warn you though that hes lost an awful lot of weight, hes definitely not the man you remember Dave."
At this Starskys face coloured and his eyes dropped to the floor. Rosie hurriedly spoke again. "Im sorry Dave, I didnt mean
that to sound like it did. I was just trying to warn you both. My Father is nearly eighty years old now and this illness has
affected him so much that its hard sometimes even for me to recognise him and thats an awful thing for any daughter to have
to admit. I just remember that hes still the Dad I love underneath it all. Thats what youll have to do when you see him, remember
the Captain Dobey you once knew."
Edith stared at the door from which she had earlier come. "He should be awake now, he usually wakes in time
to see the sun go down over the lake. Ill go and tell him youre here." So saying she rose and made to the door. She stopped
as she reached it and turned to the others. "Hes waited so long for this, now he can let go and be at peace." So saying she
opened the door and stepped through.
Starsky and Hutch stared at each other. Then Hutch turned to the young woman and asked, "What exactly does she
mean by that Rosie?"
Rosie looked from one man to the other and thought for a moment before answering. Finally she felt ready to
speak. "The letter Mum sent you Dave. It was Dads wish that before he died he could somehow help to make things right between
you two. After the shooting, while you were still in the hospital, he knew you would never be able to go back on the streets.
The doctors had made that pretty clear. He kept trying to think of new ways to keep you both together but he knew he couldnt
do it. Then he worried about how youd both react to Hutch having a new partner and you having to watch every day from behind
a desk as they went out on the streets. He could never quite see it working though. I used to hear him say to Mum that hed
lost two good cops that day and he felt so helpless not being able to sort it out. Then you left and it was so abrupt that
for a while all this family thought about was keeping Hutch going, being there for him, offering support. We watched as he
almost fell apart in front of our eyes and Dad knew he had to do something. So, he pushed Hutch as hard as he could, every
difficult case he could find, and when the cases eased he pushed him into the Lieutenant exams. The he pushed again when the
promotions came up and he was rewarded with Hutch pulling his life slowly back together but Dad knew that there would always
be a part of Hutch missing. He used to call it the mirror side; Hutch had lost a part of what made him whole if you like.
He knew too that wherever you were the same was probably true and he desperately wanted to put that right, find you and somehow
get you back together, bang your heads together if he had too. The about a month ago Millie came by and Dad told her about
his wish. She never said a word to him but afterwards she told Mum that she could contact you so Mum wrote the letter and
we both prayed that youd get it in time. Mum said she knew you would come if you knew how ill Dad was thats why she didnt
leave anything out in the letter. She was so sure of you Dave. She said that the Dave Starsky she knew would never turn his
back on someone who needed help. Im so glad she was right. Now he can stop fighting so hard and die with a little dignity."
Rosie was clinging to the back of her chair now; the tears streaming down her face.
Starsky looked at her and suddenly she was the little girl again. The one he had sat with at night playing secret
games with when she was supposed to be asleep but was afraid of the storm or the dark. The one who shared his passion for
ice cream and peanut butter and the one who he had helped to learn to write and use all the everyday objects that made life
difficult for a left handed person in a right handed world. He was at her side in two strides and he held her firmly as she
sobbed her heart out, allowing all her grief and pain to escape with the flow of tears.
Hutch quietly moved away towards the door through which Edith had gone some minutes before. Quietly he turned
the handle and stepped inside, unsure that he was ready to see his old Captain and friend quite yet but knowing he needed
to give Starsky and Rosie some privacy. For a moment he held back but Edith had seen him come in and was speaking quietly
to her husband. "Harold youve got a visitor, hell be staying with us for a few days." So saying she beckoned for Hutch to
come forward as she gently raised her husbands head and propped him up on the pillows.
Hutch slowly made his way across the room to stand beside the bed and he was forced to take a firm hold on his
emotions as he looked at the person in front of him. The man he had last seen some six months ago was nowhere in sight. Instead
he was greeted with a shrunken being whose cheeks had all but disappeared. The eyes, though still bright, were sunken into
the head and a grey pallor had replaced the once rosy face. Hutchs heart ached for his friend and family.
Swallowing hard he spoke as quietly as he had heard Edith do a few seconds ago. "Hi Cap, how you doing?" Stupid
question Hutchinson, how do you think hes doing? Hes dying for Gods sake! "Thought Id drop by and say hello."
The man in the bed smiled slightly as he looked at his visitor. "Hi yourself Hutch. Sorry I cant get up." He
stretched out a wafer thin hand and Hutch grasped it firmly in his hand. "Good to see you again. Hows things back at the shop,
you keeping those youngsters in order?"
"Im doing my best Cap. Now I know what it was like for you. Man did you put up with some things from me and
Starsky! Remember the pizza delivery service? At least no-ones tried that one on me yet." Hutch looked at Dobey and grinned.
"Mind you, young Tom Anderson has potential for pranks if I dont keep him busy. He has the same uncanny knack of dreaming
up crazy childish stunts that my partner did."
Dobey was chuckling quietly know. "No-one could equal your partner for stunts around the precinct Hutch. Things
were awfully quite and normal after Sorry I didnt mean to open old wounds." The older man was looking hard at the man standing
in front of him. "It still hurts doesnt it, that he left the way he did? Ive thought about it a lot, especially just lately.
I think now that Starsky was right. He loved you like a brother Hutch and it would have destroyed you both to be constantly
reminded that you werent a pair anymore. Sooner or later you would have both left and then what? What else would you have
done? You were a damn good cop then and youre a damn good police captain now. Starsky gave you your freedom Hutch, your life.
If I could see him again, just one more time, Id shake his hand and thank him for being so brave, for walking away even though
it must have broken his heart. I pray every night that he survived it Hutch, that he made it through without you." Dobey fell
silent as he made an effort to fill his wasted lungs with air and Hutch stood quietly by waiting. He knew there was more to
come. "I havent got long Hutch and I want you to know something before its too late. You and Starsky were like sons to me.
You were the best in the department and I was so proud of both of you. There were times that I was scared for you both too.
Times when one or the other was in the hospital fighting to live and I knew that if that one didnt make it Id lose the other
one. I used to envy you your friendship, the way you never gave up on each other. Remember Bellamy and his poison, and when
you crashed your car on that mountain? I do, I remember watching you both tear yourselves apart to find the answers. It was
like one wouldnt allow the other to go, it was against the rules of Me and Thee. Then along came Gunther and suddenly the
rules couldnt apply anymore. Trouble is, only Starsky realised it. As usual he put you first, but than he always did Hutch
didnt he? It must have taken so much courage to walk away that day, to turn his back on everything you and he had and face
his future alone. Id give anything to know he made it."
" He made it Cap, he made it". Hutch answered in the same quiet voice that Dobey had been using. His heart was
aching for the man in the bed and he knew that the tears were just below the surface. He mentally shook himself, for a guy
who wont see fifty again youre doing a lot of crying these days Hutchinson!
"I wish I could be as sure as you about that Hutch, I really do. Id be able to face the man upstairs with a
clear conscience if I was sure."
Neither man had heard the door open or the silent approach of two others into the room. Rosie Dobey came to
the foot of her Fathers bed and smiled tenderly at the man in front of her. "Ken is right Dad, Dave made it," so saying she
indicated to a figure standing out of sight behind Hutch. "Hes come to see you Dad."
Harold Dobeys eyes followed his daughters gaze as Hutch moved to stand to one side. Starsky was standing, a
little nervously, waiting for the older man to see him. "When at last the eyes focused he grinned his lop-sided grin and stepped
forward, "Hi Cap, good to see you, its been too long."
Starsky had prepared himself for the sight of his former Captain and he held his ground as Harold Dobey stared
back at him.
Harold Dobey held out a thin and shaking hand to the former detective. Starsky stepped up to take the hand with
both of his. For a moment their eyes remained locked and then Dobey pulled Starsky into a hug. When at last he released him
everyone in the room was smiling. Starsky pulled at the hem of his jacket as though to straighten it. Still grinning he said,
"Gee Cap, I didnt know you cared!"
Dobey looked straight at him as he quietly answered, "I care Starsky, I care. Always did and always will."
The next couple of hours were spent with Starsky telling the Dobeys what had happened to him over the last twenty
years. When he came to the bit about Kelly and how she had stood by him throughout everything Dobey glanced at Hutch. Starsky
had been extremely lucky he thought, to have met someone else so like Hutch. It was a shame the same could not be said for
Hutch. He quietly wondered how Hutch would take it when Starsky went back to his home and they had to say goodbye again. This
time he wouldnt be there to pick up the pieces. He came back to the conversation around him just in time to here Starsky tell
of Millies encounter with the youngest Starsky member.
"Show Dad the photos Dave. Let him see what a lovely family youve got." Rosie was watching her Father with intensity,
she could see he was tiring.
Once again Starsky removed the pictures from his wallet, this time being sure not to bring the one of himself
and Hutch with them. Dobey smirked when he saw the one of Starskys son. "Theres no way you could deny that one even if you
wanted to." His eyes began to droop and the picture dropped from his grasp. Rosie instantly picked it up and, passing it to
Starsky, she spoke to them both. "Dads tired now, what say we let him rest and you can come back later." She made as though
to lead them through the door but a movement from the bed stopped her.
"Starsky, you stay, Id like a word on our own." Dobey pointed to the chair beside the bed.
A look of surprise passed between Starsky and Hutch, which was not missed by Rosie. She motioned Hutch from
the room but not before telling her Father not to talk for long, he needed his rest. Outside the door she put her hand on
Hutchs arm, "Dont look so surprised Ken, Dad said his goodbye to you, know its Daves turn." So saying she crossed the room
to the couch and sat next to her mother, silent tears, falling like pearl drops down her face.
Starsky sat quietly and patiently in the chair, waiting for his former captain to recover enough strength to
speak. He had seen death in many guises and it was with sadness and certainty that he knew it would not be long before he
saw it again. He was glad that he had found the courage to come here.
Dobey turned his head towards him and slowly opened his eyes. "I thank you Dave for coming. Ive thought of you
often over the years, gone over the day you left in my mind so many times. I kept thinking that I should have seen it coming,
that I should have done something to prevent it. Listening to you I know now that there was nothing anyone could have done.
In fact if anyone had brought you back it would never have worked Dave. It would have slowly destroyed you to see Hutch out
on the streets without you. You made the right choice, the only choice under the circumstances, and it was a brave one too.
Im glad things worked out for you. Never thought Id see the day that David Starsky was a Dad, lovely feeling isnt it. One
thing Starsky, you never stop worrying about them, even when you cant see them. They can make you feel so many things, I hope
yours make you as proud as you and Hutch made me." So saying his eyes closed again.
For a moment Starsky sat there unable to trust himself not to break down. He realised just how lucky he had
been over the last few days. Somehow he and Hutch had managed to talk through all of the bad feeling and anger and their friendship
was almost fully restored. Almost but not quite, Starsky still felt that Hutch was watching him, not quite relaxed with him.
Now he had just heard first hand how much they had meant to the man lying in the bed. During their time at the Metro Starsky
and Hutch had nothing but respect for their Captain. As the years had gone on this respect had grown into some kind of friendship
and the two had become part of an extended Dobey family. He hadnt realised though exactly how much that meant until a few
minutes ago.
Checking that his friend was asleep Starsky quietly rose and left the room. Edith Dobey rose to meet him and
she smiled at him as she passed him to take his place at her husbands bedside. Starsky sat down next to Rosie and no one spoke.
Words seemed unnecessary now. The hours passed and sometime in the evening Cal Dobey came in. He seemed unsurprised to see
the visitors, simply moving across to be with his sister, who rested her head on his shoulder. Somewhere in the night she
fell asleep and it was this way that her Mother found them when she finally left her Husbands bedside at three in the morning.
Starsky and Hutch rose with one accord and a look passed between them that had no need of words. Edith walked
to stand in front of her children and she said simply, "Its over, hes gone."
The three remaining Dobeys clung to each other in mutual support as Starsky and Hutch got up and quietly left
the house.
To be continued.. (To FULL CIRCLE)